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Hospital Manager


Nadia holding a cat

Hospital Manager


Nadia lives in the neighbourhood with her family and after being a client and former volunteer of Queen West, she warmly welcomed the opportunity to join the reception team in 2013. In 2023 when the chance arose to apply for the management position, Nadia's love for QWAH made it an easy choice.

Our Take: Nadia wins the Lamest Description of Herself by a landslide. Overly self-deprecating and humble, she is one of those special people one rarely encounters. With a heart the size of a football, her incredibly loving and caring demeanour provides needed repose from the hustle and bustle of living in downtown Toronto. She’ll stop you in the hallway just to check in, and give a hug if needed, or snuggle a dog for no reason, other than she senses it’s necessary. The world needs more Nadias. We’re pretty lucky to have one of our own.