Queen West Animal Hospital

About Us

Our Why
Imagine a job that requires days of laughing, tickling, playing, and baby-talking with hilarious, fun-loving, and playful creatures whose sole purpose in life is to have a good time. Well, that’s what it’s like to work at Queen West. Though there are also moments of sadness and grief, we consider it a tremendous honour to work alongside your dogs and cats. They make us immensely happy. In fact, you can’t work at Queen West Animal Hospital unless you feel that immense happiness. It’s that important to us.
French poet, Anatole France, once said “until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened”. We’re pretty sure our souls are fully awake as we’ve loved literally tens of thousands of animals. Even the scared cats who won’t come out of their carrier, or the dogs that bark and growl when we walk into the room. We take our time to connect with each and every one of them. It is a tremendous privilege that we never take for granted.

Staff Care & Zero Abuse Tolerance
At Queen West Animal Hospital, we always encourage positive suggestions and open conversations with clients. We strive to use feedback to improve our service to our patients and community. However, in an effort to protect our hard-working staff, we have implemented a zero-tolerance policy for abusive behaviour. Abuse includes swearing, yelling, unwanted physical contact, bullying/discrimination, intimidation, violence, or property damage. This list is non-exhaustive and we reserve the right to deem unwanted behavior as abusive. Any form of abusive behavior towards our staff will result in termination of immediate services and may result in permanent dismissal from the clinic. We support our staff and take these matters very seriously.
We would like to thank all of our loyal clients for the ongoing support and kindness this year. It is our pleasure to be open to care for your furry family members. Should you have any questions or comments about this policy, please call us at 416-815-8387 or contact us.